An unforgettable experience in Tibet

Visiting another country can be an unforgettable experience. When I was in the scouting  world, I had the opportunity to go to Japan, China and Tibet as a leader of a scout group of  teenagers.  My mom and I, we used to watch the film of “ Seven Years in the Tibet” based on the book, written by an Austrian mountaineer on his experiences in the Tibet.  We loved that movie, we watched it over and over again and was in that country so far away, it was one of those things that was not real to me until I was there. My whole time there I kept saying to myself,  how did I arrive there? and I cannot believe I was there. This was one of the best moments in my life.
Since my mom  passed away in 2013 and I did my travel in 2015, so, I enjoyed every moment there and I thought to myself that she should be proud of me because I visited that country. I saw amazing landscapes indescribable to my eyes and I lived a little the Tibetan culture.

  To be honest, I not adjusted pretty well to the height and the first day and I wanted to comeback but the next day I woke up very optimistic and I didn’t feel dizzy anymore. I have to mentioned that  is a difficult country to visit because you cannot enter alone, you need to be in a group and also you need to have a official guide from China to enter to the country. I wish I could share every details about it but I don’t have enough time and Im feeling sleepy.  I am so grateful with God for this opportunity and I understood that live as simple as you can and enjoy life, is the importance of everything.

After went to the Tibet, I travelled to Japan to live my  “jamboree” camping experience.  And I loved met people from everywhere in the world, it was the best part of it. 


  1. What an incredible experience! My dream is to be able to go to Japan one day!

  2. It is so interesting to know that you have been in different countries learning some things about the culture and meeting people. Thanks for the pictures, they are amazing.

    1. I am sure your mom is so happy from wherever she is, to see you traveling around the world specially to the places you both wanted to go.


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